Sunday, November 2, 2014

Our first RV show!

Oh. My. God.

No wonder we were so exhausted after spending 6 hours looking at motorhomes, travel trailers and fifth wheels! What an amazing display of all sorts of brand spanking new shiny houses.

We loved it!

And we realized, not too far after, that we had been mesmerized and seriously biased by all the bells and whistles. After cutting out what it was we didn't need, we ended up "shortlisting" 3-4 units that we absolutely thought would fit our needs.

We know we need to let this sink in, brew, decant, whatever. There are *so* many models, floor plans, options, brands, etc. How do you decide this is the one?

I made a list of "must haves" and "nice to haves" - we were told (and now believe it firmly) that the floor plan is the most important thing. Compared to a house, where location is key, the travel house has to have a floor plan that pleases us.

We are keeping our eyes open for a fifth wheel floor plan that will allow us enough space, but yet be drivable for us.

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